Thursday, January 31, 2013

Beloved.... We Owned Small the Boat

Beloved ...

unspeakable sadness
to hear you will leave me
Was I able to sail up to the island?

look at this boat
alone and no more passengers

I was able to cover the storm and big waves
but I may not be able to if you are not there

tears is the soul of the wind
but he will not be able to give a lot of this vast ocean saltiness

if you are going nevertheless
then let me tether the boat these in a strong tree

Beloved ....
it was still the boats belong to us

Singkawang, 31 January 2013

Beloved ....
it was still the boats belong to us

Lonely Cat

Pasir Panjang Beach at Singkawang, West Kalimantan


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jakarta and Other Sides

They earn a little money in the wilderness of was busy Jakarta.
And it turns out they do not want to miss the news too.

the seller toys

they do not want to miss the news

Monday, January 28, 2013

Jakarta Oh Jakarta

As crowded populated major city, Jakarta is not always glitter ... many sides of life that symbolizes the struggle of the underclass.
The way I tried to capture the sides of it.

'bajaj' where are you going?

'bajaj' history you now

Jakarta traffic is always busy

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Tatung in Actions

As is the case for the Chinese community in Indonesia, Chinese New Year celebrations to welcome the Chinese New Year is always celebrated in the grandest tradition of all levels of Chinese society Singkawang every year. For those Chinese New Year celebrations were no different from other Indonesian society while celebrating Eid or Christmas. 

Chinese New Year traditions emerging from China, which is regarded as an expression of gratitude to God for the harvest and also hope that the next season to obtain better results. Chinese New Year is always celebrated for 15 days in a row and the 15th day of the summit called Cap Go Meh. In the tradition of Hokkien means the night of the 15th which is the peak Chinese New Year celebrations, and Cap Go Meh is celebrated in particular. 

If you want to be explored further, Cap Go Meh in Indonesia itself is a blend of Chinese culture and Indonesia, which is a rice cake Cap Go Meh. Lontong is authentic Indonesian food while the Cap Go Meh is a tradition born of the Lunar New Year. 

The highlight of the Chinese New Year or Cap Go Meh is meant to ward off bad luck or a disorder in the future. The expulsion of evil spirits and bad luck in the suppression of Cap Go Meh Tatung symbolized in the show. Tatung is the main medium Cap Go Meh. Places Tatung filled with mystical and thrilling, as many a man possessed, and these people are called Tatung. The ceremony was led by a pastor calling tatung who accidentally brought the spirit of a deceased person to permeate Tatung. The spirits are summoned spirits believed to be well capable of warding off evil spirits who want to disrupt the harmony of life. The spirits are summoned to dirasukkan into Tatung is believed to be the hero of a Chinese legend, such as warlords, judges, poets, princes and other saints. 

In Tatung attractions that already possessed the spirit of the dead behaving strangely, some stomp or knife blade of the sword, others stick tapered steel wires up through the right cheek left cheek. Strangely the slightest Tatung's not scratched or injured.

The Tatung in Action 01

The Tatung in Action 02

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Patung Symbol Sang Tatung

The Statue Symbol Tatung



The Ashtray Dragon

I have a pair of dragon ashtrays are always with me when I work in front of the laptop. Unfortunately a pair ashtray dragon now no longer exists. It broke into pieces. In fact it's probably the last ashtray made ​​in the traditional way of production 'Furnace Dragon'. Furnace Dragon was in my town, Singkawang, and the only one that still exists in the world.  In her home country, China, Furnace Dragon no longer exists.

Aku memiliki sepasang asbak naga yang selalu menemaniku ketika aku bekerja di depan laptop. Sayangnya sepasang asbak naga itu sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi. Sudah hancur berkeping-keping. Padahal itu mungkin asbak terakhir yang dibuat dengan cara tradisional hasil produksi 'Tungku Naga'. Tungku Naga itu ada di kotaku, Kota Singkawang, dan satu-satunya yang masih ada di dunia. Di negara asalnya, China, Tungku Naga sudah tidak ada lagi.


Rainbow Stabbing Sensation

Rainbow.... image is stretched the sky at the horizon... Natural phenomena are very beautiful.... thousands of poems and songs inspired rainbow is seen by the people... There is the sun, light rain, and the sky is formed rainbow... What a sense of what we perceive when we see a rainbow?

Pelangi.... adalah citra yang terbentang dilangit pada horison... Gejala alam yang sangat indah.... beribu-ribu puisi dan lagu terinspirasi dari pelangi yang dilihat oleh orang-orang... Ada matahari, hujan rintik-rintik dan langit maka terbentuklah pelangi... Apa rasa yang kita tangkap ketika kita melihat pelangi?


Monday, January 14, 2013

The Sense of the Soul Like the Simplicity of a Twilight

Photography if just taking pictures is dryness. Indeed, photography is poetry of nature is captured by the eye and we want to share that catches our eye, whatever its object .... So is the graphic design are combined catches our imagination in the sense of the soul. And with all that we share sense of the soul without limits, there is no barrier anymore. That is art that is very universal. It could be wrong, but at least consider this a reflection the soul that I wanted to share.
Cameras, lenses, image editing applications and so is just a tool. Anyone can use it if it has been learned. But do not think it can be learned. He is a spiritual experience that is different in each person. Guess that would give a different touch to the results of photography, design, paintings and other works of art. And we can enjoy it as a gift of life if we can share.

So, any artwork any form to be very precious and respectable. I think it does ...

Photography jika sekedar memotret gambar adalah "kering". Sejatinya, photography adalah puisi alam yang ditangkap oleh mata dan kita ingin berbagi pengalaman tangkapan mata kita itu, apapun objeknya.... Begitu juga dengan desain grafis adalah tangkapan imajinasi kita yang berpadu dalam rasa jiwa. Dan dengan itu semua kita berbagi rasa jiwa tanpa batas, tidak ada sekat lagi. Itulah seni yang sifatnya sangat universal. Ini bisa juga salah, tapi setidak-tidaknya anggaplah ini sebuah perenungan jiwa yang aku ingin berbagi.

Kamera, lensa, aplikasi pengedit gambar dan sebagainya hanyalah alat. Siapapun bisa menggunakannya jika sudah belajar. Tapi rasa tidak bisa dipelajari. Ia adalah pengalaman bathin yang pasti berbeda dalam setiap orang. Rasa itulah yang akan memberikan sentuhan yang berbeda terhadap hasil photography, desain, lukisan dan hasil karya seni lainnya. Dan kita dapat menikmatinya sebagai hadiah kehidupan jika kita bisa saling berbagi.

Jadi, setiap hasil karya seni apapun bentuknya menjadi sangat berharga dan patut dihargai. Aku kira begitulah...

the simple twilight

Grand painting in the sky by God the Creator

The horrors were wonderful!
Is it going to rain as soon?

Clouds 01
Clouds 02

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Storm Clouds at Mak Jantu Bay

Waiting for the storm to come....
Clouds that make cringe at once beautiful....
The horrors were wonderful! 
Menunggu badai yang akan datang....
Awannya yang membuat ngeri sekaligus indah....
Kengerian yang indah!

storm cloud

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Burning the Rain

We are often try to burn the rain .... 
Can you burn it cold? 
While rain is a deep longing .... 

Loneliness is a pile of crave souls .... 
Are we Alone? 
We so often try to burn the rain ...
Kita seringkali mencoba membakar hujan....
Mampukah dingin itu engkau bakar?
Sedangkan hujan adalah kerinduan yang dalam....

Kesendirian adalah tumpukan jiwa-jiwa yang merindu....
Sendirikah kita?
Kita seringkali mencoba membakar hujan...

burning the rains

The History of an Old Barber Chair

the old barber chair

Oh, the old barber chair ... in the modern era it still is who will use your services to cut his hair? People are now cutting hair at the salon, while you are dozing off there waiting. But, I applaud you're still able to survive.

the history of an old barber chair

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


terpenjara - imprisoned

penjara jiwa - prison the soul

Lion of Statue

patung singa 01 - lion of statue 01

patung singa 02 - lion of statue 02

Sun, Sand and Cloud

Pasir Panjang Beach, Singkawang City - West Kalimantan


sun, sand, cloud and blue sky, pasir panjang beach at singkawang city
pantai dan ombak, pasir panjang beach at singkawang city
peep the wind, sand and surf - pasir panjang at singkawang city

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Small Town Unique

Singkawang is the main tourist town in the province of West Kalimantan Indonesia. Often dubbed as the 'City of a Thousand Temples' because so many temples found throughout the city. City is small, but beautiful and unique. Most of the population are of Chinese descent, hence also called as the 'City of Amoy'. The atmosphere here is very interesting evening. Moreover, at the time of the holding of Cap Go Meh Festival on the 15th of the first month of Chinese New Year.

Singkawang adalah kota wisata paling utama di provinsi kalimantan barat Indonesia. Sering dijuluki sebagai 'Kota Seribu Kelenteng' karena sangat banyak ditemui kelenteng di penjuru kota. Kotanya kecil saja, tapi indah dan unik. Sebagian besar penduduknya adalah keturunan Tionghoa, karenanya dijuluki juga sebagai 'Kota Amoy'. Suasana malam di sini sangat menarik. Apalagi pada saat diadakannya Festival Cap Go Meh pada tanggal 15 bulan pertama tahun baru Imlek.

small town unique of Singkawang

temple and mosque - religious tolerance

temple at central of singkawang city

Masjid Raya of Singkawang


color of lotus

color of dragon

Dragon from Amoy City

a circular dragon

dragon in the city

Flowers is Beautiful